
We have new offers available.

Pilates group sessions in studio are P110 per session.

Online group session are P80 per session.

Online only Pilates - unlimited sessions for only P500 per month.

OR Combo P600 per month to attend unlimited in studio or online sessions.

7am Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday (in studio and online)

11am Monday Wednesday Friday (in studio and online)

5:30pm Tuesday Thursday (Online only)

These 30 minute sessions are Pilates mat sessions, live online with interactive audio & video using Zoom videoconferencing https://zoom.us/

The videoconferencing app can run on Smartphone, Tablet or Computer and is downloaded for free at https://zoom.us/download

No equipment necessary - but a floor mat and an excerise band would be useful!

Sessions must be booked in advance using the booking system on this page, or by messaging 71221237 or clicking the link below to email.

We accept a maximum of 6 people per session in studio and 6 people per session onlilne, as the sessions are very personal, with instruction and technique from Tanya Fern, a Physiotherapist who uses Pilates to rehabilitate patients.

N.B. If you haven't done Pilates with Tanya before, you'll need to book a one-on-one intro session first.

If you would like a one-on-one Pilates session, or would like to book a Physiotherapy appointment, you can also book these through this site.